Who can participate?

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The EIC Accelerator is aimed at companies with disruptive, high-risk innovations and the potential to create new markets or disrupt existing ones. The stage of development is very important in the EIC Accelerator: The innovation must have a technology readiness level (TRL) of at least 5 ("demonstrator is available"), when the application for funding is submitted.

The following entities are eligible to apply for the EIC Accelerator:

  1. individual SMEs from an EU member state or from a country associated to Horizon Europe,
  2. small mid-caps (up to 499 employees) from an EU member state or an associated country (only in exceptional cases and only for "blended finance"),
  3. one or more natural persons (including individual entrepreneurs) or legal entities who wish to establish a company in the EU or an associated country or invest in an SME or small mid-cap and submit an application on its behalf.

In addition to these admission criteria, there are other factors that must be met for an application to be successful. These include a high-risk innovation with disruptive potential and a motivated team with complementary skills. More about the evaluation criteria here.