Introducing the EIC Accelerator National Contact Point

Picture: Cube labelled: who, how, what, where

The National Contact Point EIC Accelerator (NCP EIC Accelerator) works on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. It is part of the NCP EIC and the NCP network and advises and supports applicants in all matters relating to the EIC Accelerator.

Services offered

The free services are aimed at start-ups, SMEs, small mid-caps and multipliers. They include:

  • Advice and information on the EIC Accelerator funding instrument
  • Advice on EIC Accelerator applications,
  • pitch training, workshops, information events and regular newsletters.

Mission and mandate

The NCP EIC Accelerator works on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and is an integral part of the system of National Contact Points of the Federal Government for "Horizon Europe" officially accredited by the European Commission. It is part of the NCP EIC and co-operates closely with the NCP EIC Pathfinder. It is also actively involved in the Europe-wide NCP network.

The NCP EIC Accelerator is part of the "European and International Cooperation" organisational unit of the department "International Close-to-Market Research and Innovation" of DLR Projektträger.

Synergies are utilised through the close connection to BMBF's EU office, the office of the German NCP system, the EUREKA office responsible for the Eurostars SME funding initiative and the thematic National Contact Points at the DLR Project Management Agency.