Application submission

Applications for the EIC Accelerator are submitted online via the Funding & Tenders Portal.

Applications for the EIC Accelerator are submitted online via the Funding & Tenders Portal.

Tender publications and relevant documents as well as the application system can be found in the Funding & Tenders Portal. The portal consists of a public and a user-specific area. In the user-specific area, users can edit the project application and view the status of their current projects. An EU login is required to use the user-specific area.

Users wishing to apply for the EIC Accelerator must register their company in the Funding & Tenders Portal. They will then receive the so-called PIC (Participant Identification Code) for the applying company.

Registered users can then use the PIC to start an application for the EIC Accelerator. The overview of current calls for proposals for the Accelerator "Open" and the "Challenges" can be found here. If the applicant is invited to submit a full proposal, the full proposal will also be prepared and submitted via the Funding & Tenders Portal. Applicants will receive a separate link for this purpose.

Use our checklist to see if the EIC Accelerator is the right funding programme for your company and your innovation.