Success story: Reactive Robotics GmbH

Success story of Reactive Robotics GmbH: Critical Care Robotics for Early Mobilization

Project details:

Title: Critical Care Robotics for Early Mobilization
Company: Reactive Robotics GmbH
Project manager: Alexander König
Funding instrument: EIC Accelerator
Duration: 24 months, January 2023 - December 2024
Budget: 2.500.000 Euro

Our company

Reactive Robotics GmbH from Munich has developed the first robotic assistance system for treating intensive care patients. The team led by founder Dr. Alexander König received CE approval for its medical robot VEMOTION in 2019. Since 2020, VEMOTION has been providing valuable support in mobilizing patients in various clinics in Germany and abroad. In 2021, the team was awarded the prestigious euRobotics Technology Transfer Award 2021 together with its development partners at the Technical University of Munich and the Schön Klinik Bad Aibling. 26 employees from ten nations are working to support critically ill intensive care patients in their recovery.

Our innovation

Covid-19 has impressively demonstrated that intensive care units are the bottleneck in hospital care worldwide. Faster patient recovery could relieve the pressure on limited resources. International studies on early manual mobilization show that patients recover faster and regain their independence after early mobilization, for example after a stroke, traumatic brain injury or Covid-19 disease. If a patient can be transferred from the intensive care unit to a normal ward, the bed can be reassigned.

Patient in the Vemotion robot with operator

Patient in the Vemotion robot with operator, © Reactive Robotics

However, manual mobilization is physically very demanding for patients as well as nursing staff and therapists and requires a high level of human resources. Depending on how severely the patient is affected, up to five nursing staff may be needed to mobilize them. In times of nursing staff shortages, these resources are often not available. As a result, many patients are unable to benefit from this therapy.

This is where our VEMOTION system comes in. VEMOTION supplements manual therapy with an adaptive robotic assistance system and supports nursing staff and therapists in mobilizing their patients. One therapist plus one robot can do what would otherwise require several people. VEMOTION is the first robotic assistance technology for use in intensive care medicine that is based on artificial intelligence and can provide patients with customized support according to their progress and their own physical condition.

Our motivation for the EIC Accelerator

Reactive Robotics has already conducted initial clinical studies and pilot projects to ensure that as many patients as possible can benefit from VEMOTION. Initial sales testify to the market interest.

The funding from the EIC Accelerator means, on the one hand, that we can further optimize our system in terms of usability and manufacturing costs. Secondly, thanks to the funding, we can carry out the necessary clinical studies to apply for health insurance reimbursement for this therapy. Finally, the funding will help us to enter the market in various European and non-European countries.

Author: Alexander König, Reactive Robotics GmbH, Landsberger Str. 234, 80687 München, E-Mail:, Internet: